Friday, March 23, 2012

Day 13

Yesterday I received my favorite and most unexpected comment yet, from the least likely of people:
Me: "Hi there, I'd like to look at a few wigs."
The wig shop employee: "WHY?!?"
Yes, you win!
To answer her (and perhaps your) question, I'd had a moment of uncertain self-esteem as I remembered that one of my grandmothers had specifically requested pre-shave that I wear some sort of wig when I visit her because she "doesn't like a bald head", and I figured trying on a couple of hairstyles would be fun anyways.  I had an absolute blast at the wig shop, even found one that fit the bill, and the best part of the day was realizing I genuinely LIKE my own buzzed reflection just as it is, au naturel, without a wig or the memory of my own hair to feel "pretty", which I never have felt (or seen as a goal) anyways.  I just always felt like "myself", and when my young daughter asked me why I was buying a wig, I could honestly tell her that it was fun to wear and would make Great-Grandma more comfortable, without so much as a hint of "because I need it to look good or feel good about myself".  Plus, she'll get it for dress-up when I'm done with it.
By the way, rockin' the now-buzzed look in 80+ degree heat is FANTASTIC.

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